The reason Murphy knifes are a good first knife is the price you can pick one up for about $15 maybe less, and it has a good quality steel. Also when you are new at carving you have to learn the proper angle to sharpen your knife, if you don't have the correct bevel you will have to work a lot harder at cutting the wood. So until you get used to sharpening your knife correctly you may have to sharpen it quite a few times, wearing out the blade a little each time. If you spend a lot of money on a knife you might prematurely wear out the first knife.
Just in case you want to know where to buy a Murphy knife there are quite a few carving shops online that sell knifes or you can buy it directly from the company that makes it. R. Murphy company is located in Ayer, Massachusetts, you can search for Murphy knife online and this company will come. This knife is called
Hand Carving and Dental Lab Knife.
Happy Carving!!
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