Viking warrior

Viking warrior

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Can't carve quick enough

 I figured I'd take a little break from carving, so here I am! Today I will try to stay away from the insert key. It is hard to believe that this is December 1st, I get so involved with carving that the days fly by. This has been my best year since I started carving I have carved 172 carvings so far this year. My best year before this was 142 carvings. At the rate I'm carving I should it is about one carving every other day. I am getting faster and I think my quality is going up also. The more time you spend carving the better you get, but in my opinion there is always room for improvement.
 Just like in live you can keep trying to better yourself but there is always room for improvement. If you think you are the best that you can acheive well guess what you are at the best that you can acheive and you won't ever get better. If you know that you can get better then you will find ways to improve. You should always have goals for yourself. In carving I am trying to carve more movement in my carvings also put my carvings into mini scenes with 1 or more carvings in the scene, I don't want to carve realistic I want to keep the carvings caricature style but maybe carve a scene that is funny and accentuates whaever feature maybe enlarged or shrunk on the caricature.
 I don't know where I am going with this post, since I started carving 19 years ago it seems like my mind wanders all over the place something on the radio triggers a cerebral reaction, next thing I know I'm envisioning a future carving in my head. I don't know if the last statement I used is even written correctly nor do I care you get my drift. My imagination is always going wild I wish there was a way I could take a picture of these creations that appear in my head so that I could carve some of these.
 My goal for this blog is to maybe inspire some people to try carving or do something creative, in future blogs I will incorporate some easy patterns and some pictures and try to explain how I get from a simple drawing to a finished product. It isn't easy to explain my thought process as I'm carving because I get ideas as I'm carving then I go off on all these tangents. That is why all my carvings even if they start off with the same pattern sometimes look tremendously different from each other. Carving is a great hobby but really doing anything creative gets these creative juices flowing, whether it be writing, woodworking, painting, drawing, whatever you choose to do or have a desire to try. If the desire is there it doesn't matter how good you are at it, just do it, is that the Nike line, Just do it, I might have to send them a penny for using it. But anyway try doing something creative if you aren't to good at it then looking at the positive side you have plenty of room for improvement, take a class or talk to people, your people you will be surprised how many people may have a desire to do the same thing or might be doing it already. Today is as good as anyday to start your journey, letting your creative juices flow is a journey unlike any other. Soar with the eagles! Don't let anything or anybody steal your dream!!

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