I haven't wrote anything in about a week, I don't know about any other carvers but this time of year is extremely busy for me. I sell some carvings on Ebay, ornaments and Santas are very popular this time of year, and I have to carve to fulfill some orders. My wife usually grabs some of my ornaments to hand out to some of her clients and there are a couple of charities that I carve ornaments for. So you probably won't be hearing from me too often, maybe that's a good thing, I heard you.
My goal for this blog is to share some of the knowledge I picked up over the years. I've been carving for 19 years now, I see you looking at my carvings shaking your head, I know from looking at my carvings it doesn't look like I've been carving for 19 years. But in reality, a place I don't frequent to often, I'm a decent woodcarver, there are carvers who could blow my socks off, they must have good lungs, and there are some carvers that I am a little better then. The amazing thing is you can learn from everybody, when you think you can't learn anything new you stop growing, if you stop growing then you might as well hang it up.
Have you ever hit the insert button on your keyboard I never knew what it was for now I do it wipes out everything you already wrote what a pain that is. See I learned something today.
I've had people ask me why don't you do some seminars, well I can be outspoken at times, but being in front of a group and showing them how to carve something stresses me out. My carving instructor Pete LeClair loves to go out and do seminars, he meets new people. You can see when he has a new student he is excited, he shows people how to carve step by step and come out with a nice carving. When I carve I'm all over the place, I don't follow steps, if I'm carving a full figure I can be carving the feet one second and the nose the next. I start carving one thing and the next thing I know I have a different carving in my hand. I can't focus on just one carving I usually have 15 - 20 carvings going at all times.
I got into carving because it relaxes me, when I have a piece of wood in my hand I can feel my creative juices flowing, wow my seats getting wet, dam insert button is messing with me again, there goes my calm, remind me to never hit the insert button again it doesn't relax me. But I'm rambling again! See that is why I can't do seminars. People pay good money to learn something and I keep going off in another direction, it's amazing that I ever complete a carving.
Creating something that brings a smile to someone, sometimes a laugh, is special. It does the heart well to bring a little joy to someones life and my heart needs all the help it can get. I love it when a little child comes up and sees a carving and their eyes light up, I don't know how many kids got a free carving for doing that, do they teach that maneuver in school these days, the last carving show I was at this cute little girl came up to my table and looked at one of my Easter ornaments and said I really love you bunny carrot, she owns it now, but a little while after she did this to me she went over to another carver and told him I really like this and she got another carving. But again I am rambling. Cute kid I know I will fall for it again, love the kids.
Oh yeah, I forgot why I was writing this posting, I was telling you my faithful follower, that you may not hear from me much because I will be busy until Christmas, does anybody out there know how to shut off the insert button, this is starting to really bug me.
I quit, have a great Holiday Season, there goes that insert button again, see you next time.